
Improve Your Massage Rebookings With These Listening Tips and Tactics


When it comes to massage rebookings, listening, and making your clients feel listened to (two different things) is key.

It is important to understand that clients need to feel both heard and understood about their problems and what they came to see you for before they will believe you can help them solve their problems.

Listening properly not only builds trust, but it also allows you to tailor each massage to their specific needs and preferences. By taking the time to understand their concerns and addressing them with care, you demonstrate that their satisfaction is your top priority.


How will learning to listen better to my clients increase my rebooking rate?

Improve Your Massage Rebookings With These Listening Tips and Tactics

The key to increasing massage rebookings is to really listen to your client and address their concerns. Go above and beyond to make them feel heard and cared for.

There is no better way to make a client feel understood than not only listening deeply to them, but actually conveying to them that you are listening, and that is part of what I’ll be sharing how to do today.

The first step in getting more massage rebookings is getting to the real problems and causes of why they came to see you in the first place.

It’s not always easy to get people to open up about their problems. You need to respond the right way and ask the right questions and really listen to what they have to say.

In this article we’ll go through some easy tactics to keep clients talking, understand their problems, and earn their trust and loyalty.

We’ll cover 3 simple techniques such as:

  • Labelling Emotions
  • Mirroring
  • Summarising

These tips are based on the lessons taught by an FBI hostage negotiator, Chris Voss, in his book “Never Split the Difference.”


Labelling Emotions Will Help Improve Massage Rebookings

The simple technique of “labelling emotions” is a powerful tool to increase massage rebookings.

It involves simply identifying and verbally ‘labelling’ the emotions that it sounds like your client is experiencing. By doing so, your client feels heard and this contributes to creating a safe and comfortable environment for your client to continue to open up and share their concerns.

For example, if a client comes to you complaining about lower back pain, you can ask them to describe their problem. As they describe their pain, you can respond with phrases like “that sounds really uncomfortable” or “I can imagine that’s really painful.” This approach shows that you are listening and empathising with them.

By labelling the client’s emotions, you help them to feel heard and understood, which can lead to greater trust in you as a massage therapist. This, in turn, can increase the likelihood of them rebooking with you for future sessions.

When your clients feel that you understand their problems, they are more likely to feel confident in your ability to help them, leading to more rebookings and a stronger relationship between you and your client.



Improve Your Massage Rebookings With These Listening Tips and Tactics

Use “mirroring” to prompt clients to elaborate on their thoughts and emotions. Repeat their last 1-5 words to demonstrate attentive listening.

The second easy technique to increase massage rebookings is called “mirroring.”

The “mirroring” technique is an easy way to encourage your client to expand on their thoughts and feelings. By repeating the last 1-5 words of their sentence, you show them that you are actively listening and interested in what they have to say. For example, if your client says, “I’ve been feeling really stressed lately and I’ve had this constant tension headache,” you can respond with “constant tension headache?” This prompts them to continue sharing their thoughts and feelings about what’s been causing their stress.

Another example of using mirroring to gather information is if your client says, “My shoulder has been hurting for a few days now,” you can respond with “hurting for a few days?” This simple response encourages them to go into more detail about when the pain started, how severe it is, and any other relevant information that can help you determine the best approach for their massage therapy.

Using mirroring is a great way to establish a deeper connection with your clients and to show them that you are truly invested in their well-being. When they feel heard and understood, they are more likely to trust you and to return for future massage appointments.



Using the summarising technique is not only effective in understanding your client’s needs, but it also helps in building trust and rapport with them, which can lead to more massage rebookings.

Summarising involves repeating back to your client what they just said, but in your own words. This technique shows your client that you’re listening to them and that you understand what they’re saying.

For instance, when a client tells you about their pain in their shoulder, you can respond with, “So, what I’m hearing is that you’re experiencing discomfort in your shoulder area, and it’s impacting your ability to move around freely.”

The goal is for them to respond with a “That’s right”.

By summarising properly, you’re not only showing your client that you’re listening to them, but you’re also demonstrating your understanding of their problem.

This can lead to them feeling confident in your ability to help them, and more likely to book another session with you. Moreover, summarising can help you create a treatment plan that is tailored to your client’s specific needs, which can increase the chances of them rebooking with you.


Why These Techniques are Important to Increase Massage Rebookings

Improve Your Massage Rebookings With These Listening Tips and Tactics

Implementing these listening techniques will enhance your clients trust in you, build a stronger rapport, and increase the likelihood of them rebooking with you.

As a massage therapist, your aim is to provide top-notch service and help your clients in any way possible to achieve their wellness goals.

If you can help your clients better, they’ll trust you more, like you more, and be more likely to rebook with you.

These techniques are not just helpful for understanding your client’s problems, but they’re also useful in sales.

Successfully promoting your massage therapy services is vital for your business growth, and selling yourself and your skills is key to attracting and retaining clients.

In order to increase massage rebookings, it’s important to understand the role that sales plays in building long-term relationships with clients.

Sales is not about selling someone something they don’t need. It’s about listening to what help they need, identifying the solution and providing it to them in the form of your services.

When you take the time to listen to someone, it builds trust and confidence in your abilities. Ultimately, they start to believe you can help them.

This is crucial in building long-term relationships with your clients and will ultimately lead to more massage rebookings.



In conclusion, listening is a critical skill for massage therapists. By using these simple techniques, you can improve your listening skills, better understand your client’s problems, and persuade them to trust you and get more massage rebookings.

Remember to label their emotions, mirror their words, and summarise their problems to show that you’re actively listening to them. By doing so, you’ll be able to provide better service, build stronger relationships with your clients, and improve your overall success as a massage therapist.


Instead of figuring it out yourself would you rather just use a proven rebooking formula that could double your rebooking rate?

How to Get Massage Clients to Rebook

Get my plug and play system tried and tested in my 10-therapist massage clinic.


Are you tired watching clients walk out the door without rebooking who you know that you need to see again?

How many times have you heard the dreaded words, “I’ll check my calendar and get back to you”.

We all know, they never do.

You wonder, other than asking if they want to re-book after the massage is over… what else can I do?

Today is a great day, because you can get my tried and tested ‘Double Your Rebooking’ masterclass for a silly price.

My proven training program that I give to all of our new therapists will equip you with the skills to significantly increase your rebooking rate, possibly even double it like it does for our new team members.

The 7 key areas and 22-point plan I’ve laid out will give you the exact tools you need to build a solid client base of regulars fast.

Our training will provide you with word-for-word scripts to communicate effectively with clients before, during, and after each session.

You’ll also learn how to address client concerns and provide personalized care to ensure their satisfaction without disrupting the flow or breaking their relaxation.

The detailed written and video training covers the key areas of:

  • The mental perspective of a therapist.
  • What the business and treatment room looks like
  • How a customer is greeted.
  • The pre-massage consultation and screen
  • Performing the massage itself
  • What happens after the massage
  • Handling any objections to rebooking back in

Become world-class at rebooking clients so you can help people properly AND earn more for your family.

Check it out here:

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